Design Incubation Program

Design Incubation Program assists young designers by providing them with on-the-job training/ work experience with entrepreneurs to increase their design capabilities and skills in design services. The program builds a network and database of designers capable of offering design services under the aegis of the Creative Economy Promotion Agency (Public Organization) or CEA.

At the same time, it encourages and supports SME entrepreneurs to understand and utilize creativity and design through design investment for value adding or value creation.

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Summary Report: Design Incubation Program

Project Update


Design Contracting

Design Contracting is a collaboration between a young designer, a design director, and an SME operator, in which the young designer is in charge of design work while the design director acts as an intermediary who communicates the needs of the hirer, ensures that the design quality matches the design brief, and provides consultation. The entrepreneur is responsible for payments made to the young designer and the design director as agreed in the hiring contract. Tasknjoy, an online document management system, is used to manage the contracting.


Design Brief Talk and Workshop

A design brief is a document that guides designers when designing a product. It is also a tool used to evaluate the design work to assess if it meets the details set in the beginning. A design brief consists of three main parts:
1) Business and market basic information 
2) Design technical information and details of the target group.
3) Design goals and strategies